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Timeshare ownership at The Banyan Resort can provide you and your family with a great way to take unforgettable vacations year after year, while making the most of your vacation dollars. For virtually the same price as standard hotel accommodations over a course of a few years, you can own a luxury suite in Key West and enjoy a range of travel options all over the world.


Banyan Properties For Sale* (just some examples - call or email for more)

UNIT  |  WEEK  |  PRICE  |  TYPE  |  2025 DATES

503  |  2  |  $12,000  |  Studio, 1st flr.  |  January 11 - 18
501  |  3  |  $17,500  |  1 bedrm, 1st flr.  |  January 18 - 25
702  |  3 & 4  |  $30,000  |  1 br w/large loft, 1st flr.  |  TWO WEEKS! Jan. 18 - Feb.1
605  |  5  |  $21,000  |  1 bedrm, 1st  flr.  |  February 1 - 8
302  |  6  |  $21,000  |  1 bedrm, 1st  flr.  |  February 8 - 15
301  |  7  |  $18,000  |  Studio, 1st flr.  |  February 15 - 22
506  |  9  |  $11,000  |  loft-style 1 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  March 1 - 8
202  |  10 & 11  |  $23,000  |  studio, 2nd flr |  TWO WEEKS! March 8 - 22
802  |  11  |  $27,500  | 2 bedrm , 1st flr.  | March 15 - 22
503  |  12  |  $11,500 | Studio, 1st  flr.  |  March  22 - 29
701  |  13  |  $10,500  |  1 br w/large loft, 1st flr.  |  March 29 - April 5
405  |  15  |  $11,000  |  1 bedrm, 3rd flr. "treehouse"  |  April 12 - 19
303  |  16  |  $12,500  |  1 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  April 19 - 26
608  |  18  |  $13,500  |  1 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  May 3 - 10
505  |  20  |  $9,500  |  loft-style 1bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  May 17 - 24
402  |  21  |  $11,000  | 1 bedrm, 2nd flr. | May 24 - 31
502  |  22  |  $10,000  |  1 bedrm, 1st flr.  |May 31 - June 7
105  |  24  |  $10,000  | 1 bedrm, 1st flr. (LARGE poolside unit) |  June 7 - 14
804  |  25  |  $9,000  |  2 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  June 21 - 28
602  |  26  |  $9,500  |  1 bedrm, 1st flr.  |  June 28 - July 5
404  |  28  |  $6,750  |  1 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  July 12 - 19
503 |  29  |  $3,000  |  Studio, 1st flr. |  July 19 - 26
405  |  32  |  $4,800  |  1 bedrm, 3rd flr. "Tree House"  |  August 9 - 16
508  | 33 |  $2,500  |  loft-style 1 bedrm, 2nd flr.  |  August 16 - 23
503  | 36 |  $4,500  |  studio, 1st flr.  |  September 6 - 13
605 | 38 |  $4,200  |  1 bedrm, 1st flr.  |  September 20 - 27
405 |  43  |  $20,888  | 1 bedrm, 3rd flr ("Tree House")  |  Oct. 25 - Nov.1
602 |  44  |  $18,000  | 1 bedrm, 1st flr.  |  November 15 - 22
803 |  50  |  $10,700  |  2 bedrm, 2nd flr. |  December 13 - 20
501 |  51  |  $8,900  |  1 bedrm, 1st flr. |  December 20 -27
505 |  51 & 52  |  $25,000  |  loft-stye 1 bedrm, 2nd. | TWO WEEKS!  Dec. 20 -Jan. 4

** Prices do not include closing costs of $800 to $900 (including title insurance)
* This is only a partial list of the timeshare properties currently listed for sale at The Banyan. 
For a complete list, or for more info, please contact Amy Lynch in the Banyan Sales Office:

Banyan Resort Realty, Inc.
Amy Lachat Lynch
Licensed Real Estate Broker
cell: 305-304-1390
email: [email protected]

french doors open to a balcony view of a property at The Banyan Resort
Secluded entrance to a property at The Banyan Resort
swimming pool located on the property of The Banyan Resort
Lush, tropical balcony view from a suite at The Banyan Resort
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